'The potentials of solidarity with the refugees in Croatian society'


Taste of Home made one more interesting cooperation with the purpose of promoting solidarity. Namely, within the 13th Festival of the First a lecture was presented discussing: „The potentials of solidarity with the refugees in Croatian society“.  Members of Taste of Home team, who are also volunteers at the transit camps for refugees in Croatia and supporters of the initiative: „Refugees Welcome!“, Emina Bužinkić, Josipa Dika and Prince Wale Soniyiki presented their experiences and thoughts about the topic. Before this talk we held a culinary workshop for all the participants of this event, sharing the recipes originated in the countries from which the most of refugees fled to Croatia and Europe in their hard pursuit for the better future. In the end a musical Trio Franović, Jovanović i Ćulap took us for an inspirational experience of the Orient playing oriental instruments.