Tastes of Ethiopia are prepared in Kuhaona


In the culinary workshop currently happening in Kuhaona, our chefs shared with us recipes they are preparing. Chichi from Ethiopia described a classic recipe of her country:

Shiro with fir fir (injera)

A few onions


A few garlic cloves

Berbere mix of spices or chili powder

2 big tomatoes

Shiro – chickpeas

1. Chop the onion and put it on oil until it becomes golden brown. Then add garlic. After that, add all the spices and keep cooking until the taste of chili is softened.

2.Add two chopped tomatoes and cook for about 15 min, than add half a litre of water. The water has to be boiled before you add chickpeas.

3.    Serve the dish with injera.

Our friend Jacob from the USA gave his recipe for the Spanish gazpacho:

1 kg of tomatoes

1/3 cups of oil

1-2 cloves of garlic

2 tsp of wine or rice vinegar (not white or balsamic)

1 tsp salt

Half of cup of old bread


Cut the tomatoes into bigger pieces, smash the garlic. Soak the bread in water, and then drain it. Take the bread, a bit of tomatoes, vinegar and garlic and put it all in a mixer and begin to mix. When the components begin coming together, gradually and little by little start adding oil and the rest of tomatoes. Mix until the soup becomes very smooth.

Jacob added that today's workshop is great, and that the key idea and the message of Taste of Home is that everybody loves food arriving from different countries, so they should also be more tolerant and more accepting of people that arrive from those same countries.


Andrea, one of the cooks today, points out that Taste of Home is an excellent idea that she hopes will continue to live on, and she is happy about the dreams of opening a restaurant one day. „If the company is not fun and pleasant, I don't really like cooking then. But I can say with certainty that I cooked with great joy today and had lots of fun“, she concluded.