I was born 1984. in a small fishing city Ziway by the Ziway lake located about 100 miles south of Addis Ababa. I am a descendant of the Gurage people, a Semitic-speaking ethnic group in Ethiopia. I am the youngest of my four brothers and sisters. One of my brothers died unfortunately. And my parents died when I was a small child so I don't remember them very well. Some of my cousins took over my upbringing.
In the neighbouring place called Maqi I enroled elementary school and later moved to one of my cousins in Addis Ababa. Along with schooling I worked in the biggest african market 'Merkato' where my cousin held a shoe store. But my biggest passion have always been dancing and singing. Today still. In Addis Ababa I graduated at School of Acting and Videography but I have continued with dancing and singing and I can pride myself for performing at some large events where I definitively point out stage musical performance at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the OAU (Organisation of African Union).
I didn't know almost anything about Croatia until two years ago when I went to a field trip in city of Bahir Dar by the Blue Nile. There I met Darko from Zagreb who was enjoying his Africa travel. We became friends really quickly and we met again soon after that in Addis Ababa, where this friendship changed to something more. Darko decided to prolong his staying in Ethiopia and we continued this Africa travel together, for a couple of months. But the journey came to an end and we had to say goodbye not knowing for certain whether we will see each other again and when. But the connection was strong and he came back after five months and we got married and soon moved to Zagreb. And they lived happily ever after. J
Well, we are happy but I left everything I know and found myself in a completely different world. Despite the love for my husband it is not easy to be thrown in unfamiliar country, to adjust to the different culture, much different, believe me. Not knowing the language. I miss my culture a lot, it holds a large part of me. In my nature I am pretty shy and I take more time to relax and fit in with the new people around me. That is why I cannot describe how happy I was to find Taste of Home team. With Taste of Home I can really be true to myself, share my culture, especially through cooking the dishes typical for my country. And often it happens: we dance, and then I am the happiest!
I pride myself for having the opportunity to become one of the co-founders in our Cooperative. Through my work in Taste of Home I really feel I am accepted and my colleagues, well I see them as my family. I have met a lot of people. It makes me happy to hear positive reactions to our food, when people ask about the customs of our countries and when they support our story. I was afraid that it will be very hard to find a job here, to envolve in the daily life considering that I am different. But, I have no fear now, I see my future here and I want to send a message to everyone: to be open towards something different, to meet and share.
Finally, we are all the same.